Kegiatan Sosialisasi Program Kerja Gerakan Bebas Sampah (Gebesa) pada Murid SDN 68 Desa Lamgugob


  • Lola Ruskayani Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, FEB Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh
  • Suriani Suriani Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, FEB Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh
  • Meisya Tri Denantika Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, FEB Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh
  • Muhammad Khadafi Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, FEB Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh


socialization, work program, waste free movement


One of the Work Programs for implementing the MBKM USK 2022 Village Development Program is the Socialization of GEBESA (Free Garbage Movement) to SDN 68 Lamgugob, Banda Aceh students. The Bina Desa Work Program aims to provide benefits to students in the form of knowledge about how to manage waste that can generate income. The Bina Desa Work Program includes outreach and education about waste management with the benefit and aim of giving students new insights about waste itself and increasing awareness and interest in waste management in the community. The stages carried out in this work program are the delivery of material using the socialization method. The result of this work program is an increase in students' understanding and ability.


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How to Cite

Ruskayani, L., Suriani, S., Denantika, M. T., & Khadafi, M. (2023). Kegiatan Sosialisasi Program Kerja Gerakan Bebas Sampah (Gebesa) pada Murid SDN 68 Desa Lamgugob. Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh, 3(2), 119–124. Retrieved from


